Advent Party Potluck   ( Sun, December 1, 2024 . . .  After Worship )    scroll down to sign up... Admin Password: GO!

Meal Coordinator:  Amy Dewey  6193688931 Invite Friends

Meal Location:   5512 Pennsylvania Lane, 5512 Pennsylvania Lane, La Mesa, CA 91942   [view map] Print

Edit Notes  •  Print Notes Notes from Amy Dewey . . .

For 2024 we'll be attempting to have a quarterly potluck meal during our fellowship time. All are welcome to participate.

This, our Q4 Potluck, will also include our ADVENT PARTY with OUTREACH OPPORTUNITY! This will be a lot of fun for the whole church family.

For 2024 we'll be attempting to have a quarterly potluck meal during our fellowship time. All are welcome to participate.

Please use the categories below to sign up for your dish -- this helps with planning. We will also need people to help serve the meal -- please signup if you can do that.

If you are bringing a hot food item, please bring it in a slow cooker. We do not have the proper license to use the Del Cerro kitchen ovens or other cooking equipment.

For cold items, you may place them in the fridge. For whichever dish you bring, you'll need to have it prepared as the serving team isn't responsible for preparing your dish.

PLEASE bring whatever serving utensils are needed for your dish, as we don't keep any on hand at DCBC. We provide ONLY the paper products and eating utensils.

We ask that you label your dish and note any possible allergens in the dish to help us all enjoy safely.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Amy Dewey.

Thank you to all who contribute in whatever ways you are able!

Take Them A Meal

Main Dish  (Please bring a main dish for 20-25 people.)
1. Carla Walendowsky   Ham Change   |   Remove
2. Dayna Portillo   Lil Smokies Change   |   Remove
3. Claire Mason   ,Italian sausage casserole Change   |   Remove
Veggie or Salad  (Please bring a veggie or salad for 20-25 people.)
1. Diane Godwin   Spaghetti Salad Change   |   Remove
2. Ruth Montzingo   Broccoli salad Change   |   Remove
3. Lauren Davenport   Caesar Salad Change   |   Remove
Other Side Dish  (Dish Please bring a side dish for 20-25 people.)
1. Erinn Eddingfield   Assorted pinwheel sandwiches Change   |   Remove
2. Anne McColl   Pesto couscous Change   |   Remove
3. Allison Langley   Mac and cheese Change   |   Remove
Bread  (Please bring a bread item for 20-25 people.)
1. Diane Godwin   Cornbread Change   |   Remove
2. Natasha Wade   Rolls Change   |   Remove
3. Ryan McMican   Sliced French bread Change   |   Remove
Dessert  (Please bring a dessert for 20-25 people.)
1. Cindy Clabaugh   Banana Pudding Change   |   Remove
2. Cathleen Smith   Pumpkin Pies & whipped cream Change   |   Remove
3. Ryan Mcmican   Pumpkin cookies Change   |   Remove
Servers  (Please sign up to help serve the meal.)
1. Cindy Clabaugh   Change   |   Remove
2.     Take
3.     Take
4.     Take