January Community Potluck   ( Jan 26, 2025 . . .  12:30 )

Meal Coordinator:  Janet Jonas  5402674999

Meal Location:   Camp Hope (behind Hope House - Texas Ave. North/West Side),  61 Texas Avenue, Bangor, ME 04401

Notes from Janet Jonas . . .

We will be breaking bread with roughly 40-50 unhoused neighbors at Camp Hope. We're returning to the northwestern section which is the larger parking lot located off Texas Avenue.

This month's theme is Breakfast!

When you sign up for an item, please add a description of the item and quantity you will provide.

If you are able to provide an item but need help getting it to Camp Hope, please reach out to Janet via text: 540/267-4999 on or before Friday, January 24th so we can make arrangements.

Any extra items you might want to bring such as clothing, tarps, dental and hygiene items, even an occasional bus ticket or ride to a job interview are gratefully accepted.

If you would like to make cash donations here are two of our partner organizations: