Thanksgiving Outreach 2024 - Jackson
Nov 27, 2024 )
Meal Coordinator: Chris Brown 404-277-2324 |
Meal Location: Jackson Building, 166 Pulliam St, Jackson, GA 30233 |
Notes from Chris Brown . . . Here's the plan: * Sign up to cook and donate from the items listed. * Foil pans can be picked up at the Next Steps table in Jackson (you'll need TWO pans for each sign up) * Bring filled pans of food to the Jackson building the night before Thanksgiving (November 27). Food does not need to be hot at time of delivery - Chilled is better - but not brick hard, please. :) * Deliver fully-cooked food to the church between 5 & 6 (no later than 6). Plate prep will begin at 6 pm. * Sign up for pies or tea if you can't participate in the outreach that night. * Rolls, paper products, and utensils will be provided by the church. |