A Special Memory and Taking Tea

JUNE 4, 2019  /  ADINA BAILEY  / 

A Special Memory and Taking Tea
You might already know this, but the idea for TakeThemAMeal.com came about when my dearest friend needed meals for an extended period of time. Eleven years ago, Rachel was hospitalized and had four very young children at home. She had a wonderful group of family, friends, and neighbors who wanted to lend a hand. When her husband said that meals would be helpful during her hospitalization and recovery, we finally had an outlet for our care and concern.
After we had been providing meals for a few weeks, I learned about something special that another friend, Vicki, did for Rachel. When Rachel first came home from the hospital, she did a lot of sitting and resting. If you know my friend, that's NEVER an easy task for her.
Vicki loves tea and she can host a memorable tea party. She asked Rachel if she could bring tea to her and they could have a short visit. I remember clearly Rachel describing her delightful time with Vicki. I wish I had a photograph of the tea setting, but imagine a pretty teapot, teacups, a doily, and a plate of scrumptious treats. That day, Vicki gave Rachel much more than a cup of tea. She created a special moment that allowed Rachel focus on something else for a while and celebrate the beauty of a supportive friendship.
I remember Rachel telling me how much she enjoyed this out of the ordinary visit during her recovery.
Last spring, this "taking tea" idea came to mind for me when I was planning to visit a friend from church who doesn't drive. My plan was simple, but she was so delighted!
To take tea to my friend, I packed:
  • two plates
  • two teacups with saucers
  • a vase of flowers
  • my favorite hot tea in a thermos
  • two napkins
I made up the plates for each of us ahead of time with strawberries, cheese/crackers, and my favorite store bought cookies. I wrapped the plates with plastic wrap. I carefully put all of the items in an insulated bag to transport them to my friend's house. Minutes after my arrival, my friend and I were enjoying tea together at her house.
Depending on your friend, maybe a delivered smoothie or a favorite cup of coffee is also a good choice. These simple acts can remind a friend who is going through a difficult time that there is still beauty and connection. It can encourage a young mom or deepen a friendship. There's something about having tea together that adds specialness to an ordinary day.

Read other recent articles by Adina Bailey:

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Adina & Maureen
Adina & Maureen

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