Caring for Our Neighbors During COVID-19
MAY 5, 2020 /
Since the coronavirus pandemic started, it has been hard to find many silver linings. But as the weeks pass, one positive trend is emerging: connecting more with our neighbors. For many of us, more time at home has meant more time chatting (from a safe distance) and caring for those in our own backyards.
If you're like me, the days and weeks are getting longer. Our neighbors are likely feeling this way, too. Below you will find a few ways to brighten the hard days of sheltering in place. Chances are doing any of these things will brighten your spirit as much as theirs!
*Of course, use your best judgment and always err on the side of abundant cleaning and caution.
- There are not many things that bring a smile to someone's face like fresh flowers. If you have spring blooms in your own garden, cut a few and do a bouquet porch drop off. If your local nursery offers it, consider doing a contactless curbside pick up.
- If your neighborhood doesn't already have an updated directory, now is a good time to do one. A neighbor recently used Google Docs and created a Facebook group for our neighborhood. It's nice to know we have the most up-to-date contact information in case any needs arise. This is especially welcome for the older members of our community.
- I've loved seeing how communities are repurposing Little Free Libraries. Some have closed them for now, but others are using them as contactless little free pantries filled with nonperishable food and supplies. Still others are using them as a place to pick up free masks for anyone who needs them. Check around your neighborhood to see if there are any needs you can meet.
- Speaking of masks, since recommendations have changed, it's important to make sure everyone, young and old, has something they can use to protect themselves and others. Look for someone in your community who can make something suitable or make it yourself. Even if you don't sew there are lots of good online tutorials. Carry a spare unused mask in your car to offer to someone who might not have one, but needs one to enter a specific store.
- Volunteering in person can't be done right now, but you can still support local causes. One of my best friends is supporting neighborhood organizations that are dear to her heart by highlighting them on social media. Sharing the good work they're doing or setting up a Facebook fundraiser for organizations like local food banks can help raise funds for hungry neighbors.
- Just be there to talk, from a distance. Even a simple hello connection with someone outside your home can be an encouragement right now.
Read other recent articles by Maureen Witmer:
Adina & Maureen
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