Consider Taking Meals BEFORE...

NOVEMBER 17, 2014  /  ADINA BAILEY  / 

Consider Taking Meals BEFORE...

Today, I pulled a lasagna out of the freezer for dinner tonight. A friend brought over two lasagnas a few weeks ago because she knew our family was going through a difficult time. I have been traveling to visit my dad who is under the care of hospice and while I absolutely treasure the trips, a few of my regular tasks are not getting their usual attention. My family has really appreciated the meals that friends have brought over.

My dear friend, Janelle, at Comfy in the Kitchen, is facing the loss of a loved one right now. She spends much of her spare time encouraging others as they care for friends with meals. Now she is receiving care. She said today...

"Thank you to those who have provided so much love and support. You have no idea how much that means to me and our family.

Meal ministry in all aspects is such a blessing for those who are going through trauma. Making meals and going to the grocery store are last things people think of or have energy for when they are going through something very difficult. I'm so grateful and humbled for those who have helped me."

Even during her difficult time, Janelle is blessing my family. You see, the lasagna that my family is enjoying tonight is Janelle's favorite lasagna recipe. She posted it on her blog as a meal suggestion to take to a friend. Not knowing my connection to Janelle, my friend made Janelle's lasagna for my family and told me where she found such a delicious recipe. My friend brought us not just one lasagna, but one to eat and one to freeze.

Through my recent experiences, I have come to realize that meals brought BEFORE a loss, birth, surgery, or adoption can be just as helpful as meals taken after these events.

Read other recent articles by Adina Bailey:

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Adina & Maureen
Adina & Maureen

Welcome! We're thrilled you stopped by. Our own joys and sorrows have taught us that a well-timed meal delivered by a friend is one of the best gifts imaginable. In this space, we share our favorite recipes to take to friends, meal-taking tips, and other ways to care for those who are dear to you.

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