If Holiday Meals Will Be Hard This Year... NOVEMBER 16, 2021 / ADINA BAILEY / Last week, a long time friend texted me to say her family decided to call hospice to help care for her dad. Her text immediately brought tears to my eyes. For me, that call was the hardest part of walking through cancer with my own dad. The moment in time when we stopped pursuing potentially life-extending treatments, but instead, decided to make the most of what time was left.
My heart continues to ache for my friend. Seven years ago this month our family made the same decision. I know she's thinking about the upcoming holidays and what they might be like this year. How do you plan loosely for holidays that might look very different?
My dad died on the day before Thanksgiving. Even though we knew he was dying, he died much sooner than was expected. What we thought would be our last Thanksgiving together didn't happen. Instead, tears and snow fell that year.
One memory my entire family treasures is the beautiful meal a dear neighbor delivered to us. When she heard my dad had died, she stayed up all night making Thanksgiving dinner for my family. She made a complete Thanksgiving meal and delivered it to my mom's house. We had turkey and all of the fixings. Even when I write about it now, I cannot believe she did that for us. We felt loved and seen.
Because I remember how much that holiday meal meant to my family, I want to make sure my friend has everything her family needs for Thanksgiving this year. We live in the same town, so I will be checking with her soon to see how I can help with their meal.
If you don't live near your friend or loved one who could use a holiday meal, you may be interested in the holiday meals in our store. That way, you can send "Thanksgiving" to your friends and loved ones who might be having a tough year. I'm planning to send turkey and mashed potatoes to a friend who is caring for her sister out of state.
This year, we've added Turkey Tidings meal and a Holly Jolly Ham meal that both serve 3-4 people. The Holiday Greeter meal is larger and will serve 5-6 people. Don't worry, our always popular Christmas Comfort & Joy Soup meal is also back in the store in various sizes and with a variety of sides.
I hope this post encourages you to think about your friends and loved ones who might need some extra TLC during the holidays this year. Asking about their plans for their holiday meals is a specific way you can offer to help that might provide a bit of normalcy during a difficult season.
Read other recent articles by Adina Bailey:
Welcome! We're thrilled you stopped by. Our own joys and sorrows have taught us that a well-timed meal delivered by a friend is one of the best gifts imaginable. In this space, we share our favorite recipes to take to friends, meal-taking tips, and other ways to care for those who are dear to you. Helpful Posts
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