Surviving Mother's Day

MAY 2, 2018  /  ADINA BAILEY  / 

Starting at $49.95 (including shipping), you can send a meal to her doorstep.
And you can include the charming spoon shown below.

Surviving Mother's Day

The year after I lost my dad, I learned that Father's Day and Mother's Day can be as heartbreaking as they were once joyful. These days are a regular reminder of what has been lost, so I often find myself wanting the day to go by quickly.
Losing a parent allows us into a club we did not want to join. It's not the only club in which we don't want membership, but it's one of the hardest. While the sadness of this club has become familiar, I have, over time, come to know its benefits.
Sometimes, losing someone you love allows a deeper connection with friends who have faced the same loss. My friend, Anne, lost her mom to cancer not long after I lost my dad. The time between our losses was just long enough for me to learn what kinds of help I treasured most. Since I had recently suffered, I could more easily imagine what Anne might be feeling. I knew more fully what death meant. And, I knew which days and milestones might be hardest; when she might need a pick-me-up.
I'm grateful that I know how encouraging a text can be a few days after the funeral or how a single pink rose might help when the ultrasound no longer shows a heartbeat. These acts don't lessen grief, but they bring meaning to sorrow and it's uplifting to know that my pain could allow me to help someone else.
As we approach Mother's Day, think about the women in your life who may be struggling and could be soothed by your care. There are so many ways to encourage our friends... a kind word, a note, flowers from your yard, or a meal made or sent by a friend.
Starting at $49.95 (including shipping), you can send a meal to her doorstep.

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Adina & Maureen
Adina & Maureen

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