Three Reasons You Should Bring Them a Meal

MARCH 31, 2016  /  BRITTANY ANN  / 

Three Reasons You Should Bring Them a Meal

Guest Post by Brittany Ann of EquippingGodlyWomen

When friends and family are going through a tough time or are in the midst of a difficult situation, it's natural to want to do something to help. One of the best ways to help out in times like these is to bring a meal. A simple and thoughtful gesture, a home-cooked meal is one gift any individual or family would be happy to receive.

Here are three reasons why you should take them a meal:

1. It Helps Out in a Real, Tangible Way

Gifts like flowers, picture frames and stuffed animals are kind and thoughtful, but they don't actually do anything to help the situation. In fact, they can even make more work for the recipient, as they just provide more stuff they have to clean, put away, organize and store.

A meal, on the other hand, is a great way to help out--even if the person you're bringing it to isn't the type to accept help very easily. When you bring a meal, you help ensure the recipient is well-fed and taken care of while saving them from having to worry about meal planning and shopping. Bring disposables dishes and you'll save them the trouble of doing the dishes as well.

2. It Offers a Good Chance to Stop By

It's only natural to want to check in with your friends and family to see how they are doing, but you also don't want to run the risk of pestering them if they'd really rather be left alone. Thankfully, bringing a meal offers the perfect excuse to stop by.

Even if your friends and family don't have the time, energy or desire for long drawn-out visits, most will happily meet you at the door for a minute while you drop off a meal. Then, you can follow their cues to see if you should head out right away, stick around for a minute, or stay and help. Oftentimes people who wouldn't accept your offer to come over and help would do so if you are already there and there's something they could use a hand with.

3. It's Surprisingly Easy and Cost-Effective

Don't have enough time to come over and help as much as you'd like or enough money to buy the expensive gift you would like? Bringing a meal is surprisingly easy and cost-effective. Not only can you use Take Them a Meal to coordinate everything, so all you have to do is sign up and show up, but actually making the meal couldn't be any easier either. Simply make a meal for your family that the other family would enjoy too, and double the recipe! No extra shopping, no extra cooking and very little extra expense. You just have to drop it off!

A few of my very favorite meals to make are Homemade Chicken, Mushroom and Green Bean Casserole and Baked Ziti with Hidden Veggies--both are warm, comforting and filling--and simple to double and take.

The next time you hear of someone who is going through a rough time, someone who has just moved or someone who has recently had or adopted a new child, don't just sit on the sidelines, wondering what you could do. Take them a meal!


A devoted Christian, wife and mother, Brittany loves helping other women grow in these roles as well. When she isnt busy taking care of her growing family, you can find her at Equipping Godly Women, where she regularly shares tips, tricks and encouragement to help you be the amazing woman God created you to be. Brittany also has a thriving online community on Facebook as well.



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Adina & Maureen
Adina & Maureen

Welcome! We're thrilled you stopped by. Our own joys and sorrows have taught us that a well-timed meal delivered by a friend is one of the best gifts imaginable. In this space, we share our favorite recipes to take to friends, meal-taking tips, and other ways to care for those who are dear to you.

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