A Surprise from Sisters by Heart

MAY 1, 2014  /  MAUREEN WITMER  / 

A Surprise from Sisters by Heart
Maureen This post is by Maureen Witmer, our Director of Outreach and Engagement at TakeThemAMeal.com. She and her husband Andrew are expecting their third child, John, later this month and we are thrilled that our "website" family is growing. Earlier in Maureen's pregnancy, John was diagnosed with HLHS (Hypoplastic left heart syndrome). Maureen has been very open and honest about what she is learning and who is helping her along the way.
~ Adina Bailey, TakeThemAMeal.com Co-founder

It has been amazing to experience generosity from people we don't even know. As I mentioned before, there is a family in our church who had a sweet little girl who was born with a severe CHD. When our friend heard about John's HLHS diagnosis, she immediately nominated us to receive a care package from an organization called Sisters by Heart. About a week later, we received a box in the mail filled with special things for newly diagnosed HLHS families. It included labeled items that have been helpful for others who have been on a similar journey. Many of the items have been donated by other heart moms or companies. At the time, it was too much for me to take in but as the big day is getting closer and I've started thinking about how to pack for the hospital, I have found this package to be enormously helpful. I'll share some of what was included below.

Everything that was inside

A Surprise from Sisters by Heart

The huge and functional bag it all came in. This is the bag I'll use as John's hospital bag. It holds a lot!

A Surprise from Sisters by Heart

A side-snap onesie. It will be hard to put a shirt on over his head if he has sensors, wires, iv's, etc. on his body. I would have never thought of this and have since bought more to make sure we are well stocked!

A Surprise from Sisters by Heart

A cute EZAXCESS hospital gown, specialized gowns for accessing all types of lines and IVs.

A Surprise from Sisters by Heart

Baby Legs. We had a pair of these for Ben and loved them. They keep your sweet baby's legs warm in the cold NICU and make changing diapers much easier.

A Surprise from Sisters by Heart

Aden and Anais Swaddle Blankets. Babies love the security that comes with being tightly swaddled. These blankets are made of a lightweight muslin and are a favorite of many of my mom friends.

A Surprise from Sisters by Heart

Other items included a notebook for careful note taking, a pacifier and a bottle, hand sanitizer and lotion, and even 2 little bears for Katie and Ben! They were so excited to see something for them! This thoughtful and generous care package has helped us not only know how to prepare for John's journey, but has also greatly encouraged us by showing us that we are not alone... many families have gone before us. Thank you, Sister by Heart, for the resources, hope and support!

Read other recent articles by Maureen Witmer:

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Adina & Maureen
Adina & Maureen

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